Vastuu Kannattaa Pohjois-Karjala
A sustainably operating company recognizes the impacts of its operations on the environment, people, the economy, and society. It strives to strengthen the positive effects of its business activities, to minimize the negative impacts and communicates about these impacts responsibly.
The skill badge symbolizes a company's readiness to identify and enhance the positive impacts of its activities. The company consciously develops new business models based on the principles of sustainable development, aiming to achieve a competitive advantage and promote sustainable growth of the company, while staying within the planet's carrying capacity.
The Goals of the Workshop Series:
The participant has:
• Expanded their understanding of the various aspects of corporate responsibility.
• Identified their own company's values and their significance in responsible business operations.
• Understood the environmental impacts of the business, the company's role as an active member of society, and become familiar with good governance and the company's economic responsibility.
• Grasped the importance and direction of communicating corporate responsibility.
• Recognized the effectiveness of communication with stakeholders.
Content of the Workshop Series:
The participant has:
• Evaluated the current state of their own company from a corporate responsibility perspective.
• Drafted a preliminary plan to achieve environmental responsibility goals and a plan to reduce negative environmental impacts.
• Planned concrete steps for developing the company's social responsibility.
• Assessed the current state of their own company's economic responsibility and drafted a preliminary plan to improve it within the company.
• Considered the development of a new, more sustainable business model.
• Enhanced the company's communication strategy to encompass environmental, social, and economic responsibilities.
The skill badge is a recognition for entrepreneurs who have participated in the ‘Vastuullinen yritystoiminta Pohjois-Karjalassa’ development program workshops organized by Pohjois-Karjalan Yrittäjät, and gained knowledge about sustainable business practices, and demonstrated understanding and commitment to corporate responsibility (total of 20 hours).
The ‘Vastuullinen yritystoiminta Pohjois-Karjalassa' project is a development program by the organization called Pohjois-Karjalan Yrittäjät, funded by the ESR+ fund. The project runs until the end of May 2026.
Issuer of the badge: Pohjois-Karjalan Yrittäjät
This skill badge emphasizes the importance of sustainable business practices and it is given as a recognition to entrepreneurs who embody these values in the North Karelia region of Finland.